Monday, August 6, 2007


Opps - this didn't get posted last week - not sure which day it was.

I got home in the evening a bit late and realized while walking up my steps that there was a party next door. It was a nice low-key adult party. A good dozen or so guests chatting and milling around out on the deck and inside. The setting was wonderful as it was a perfect summer evening, cooling down a bit after a long hot day, and they had in amongst all the wonderful flowers and gardens candles lit. It just added so much charm to the party. I ended up going to bed early but feel asleep with the pleasent sounds of people chatting, glasses clinking and laughter.

The next morning as I was getting ready for work. He was out doing the regular routine of letting Rufus take a bathroom break while still in his bathrobe, and he started moving some of the extra chairs off the deck from the party. I think it was a good party.

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