Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Brief Sightings

Yesterday as I was walking home from the bus stop reading my magazine, I passed the yellow house and realized someone was outside. I glanced up quickly and there she was bending over watering the pots on the front steps. The best part was there was Rufus just inside, looking out. All you could see was his head through the screen door - perfectly centered.

Then later that night, as I sat down for a quick bite I heard conversation and there was almost the whole clan - all except the father, and I think Rufus. The daughter and her boyfriend were standing with Goblin on the leash. Mom was a bit to their left and the son was sitting on the steps of the back private porch. Not sure what they were talking about. But it made for an interesting circle. And ended once and for all my lingering doubt that the son and boyfriend might have been one and the same person. I didn't think so, but now I know.

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